Fix it Yourself

While we’re here for you when you need us at Click IT, we understand you might want to first try fixing the problem with your computer yourself. It is sometimes a matter of our time versus your time, and while our prices are reasonable and we can turn around an issue fast, and solve it, it may not be soon enough and may just be worth the try.

We know there are a lot of choices out there for getting your computer repaired or managed, and while we think we’re the best, when we can help in any way we will, even if it means we give up the business. So on that note, if you want to try fixing your computer yourself, go to this site, select the problem you are having and give it a try by following the instructions. If this doesn’t work, or if you just don’t want to spend the time and would rather we do it, please just call us at (440) 247-4998, or bring it in. We are ready to jump on the problem if you can’t solve it yourself.>